Bladder Audit – July 2010

nnomads Golf Club

Audit of the 2010 Bladder

July 31st 2010


Anomalies discovered in Bladder by club audit committee!
(Does this mean corruption within the nnomads Golf Club? Read on to find out.)

Club Headquarters, July 2010: As would be expected, a number of anomalies were found in the 2010 Bladder and Strike rate when the nnomads Golf Club audit committee conducted a full audit of the results year to date 2010. And as all members understand, the nnomads Golf Club adheres to a strict set of rules, policies and procedures that we sometimes follow.

Background: Prompted by a media release from the Cardinal, in which he suggested that the ball allocation process for the nnomads Golf Club ‘Bladder’ is inconsistent and open to manipulation (see Rise of the Zombie Bananas – Part 1 or for an alternative view see a story by Don Jonson), the club audit committee felt compelled to prove the Cardinal’s point by conducting a rigorous and detailed analysis of all weekly competitions and major events since the 1st of January 2010. Adhering strictly to the published nnomads Golf Club rules (see club rules), the audit was based on the following assumptions:

·         There is one prize ball available per player in each competition. Thus, two players = 2 balls, five players = five balls, twelve players = 12 balls etc.

·         The winner always gets two or three balls (unless only 2 players where winner = 1 ball).

·         Every competition must include at least one NTP (normally on the shortest hole but can be changed prior to each game).

·         Remaining balls after winner and NTP allocations are used for additional prizes up to a maximum of  one prize ball available for every player in each competition (to be decided prior to tee off).

·         Winner balls are worth 3 Bladder points and all other prize balls are worth 2 Bladder points. The strike rate only includes weekly competitions (where the $2.00 entry fee is paid) and major events (where the $2.00 entry fee is paid).

·         A weekly competition is defined as any golf game where the $2.00 entry fee is paid and the players have a nnomads Golf Club approved handicap (shown in current handicaps or the Handicapaedia nnomadica or is an official handicap recognised by the AGU). Weekly competitions can occur at any location, can involve multiple competitions on the same day and can involve local (Victorian) and / or interstate and / or international players.

·         New players to the nnomads Golf Club tour must be allocated a nnomads handicap prior to play (normally based on a minimum of four score cards or an AGU handicap or a handicap committee decision) which can be reviewed by the handicap committee at any time until an accepted handicap is established for that player. Once a handicap is allocated to a player, that player is eligible to win balls and gain points on the Bladder and Strike rate.

Major finding - Cardinal 100% correct: As most members would expect, the audit found the following :

·         Brendoon and Teflon have consistently, independently and collaboratively, allocated more prize balls than one ball per player in a number of competitions in 2010.

·         Brendoon and Teflon have consistently, independently and collaboratively been inconsistent with the rules for allocating prizes including awarding extra balls for good performance, awarding extra balls for equal prize getters on some but not all occasions and allocating balls not won on the day as other prizes (for example giving a NTP ball that didn’t go off to 2nd place getter).

·         The audit committee identified that such behaviour has occurred on at least twelve thirteen1 separate occasions involving nine different players so far in 2010, although two of those occasions were compliant with club rules but were seemingly controversial (see detailed audit notes and summary).

Context of findings: As most members would remember, the ‘Bladder’ evolved from the ‘Ladder’ which up until 2005 was the basis of the nnomads Golf Club championship. After considerable controversy in 2004 (see Rise of the Zombie Bananas – Part 1 or for an alternative view see a story by Don Jonson) the basis of the club championship was changed to the present system, an average of best three major event scores (2005 – 2009) or an average of best four major event scores (2010). In 2005, the original ‘Ladder’ was discontinued and the ‘Bladder’ became just a record of balls awarded for winners, NTPs and others prizes handed out on the day of competition, albeit with points loosely associated with each ball allocated. From 2005 to 2009, topping the ‘Bladder’ at the end of the year was not recognised in any way and didn’t attract a trophy or prize.  The points awarded on the Bladder had no value and gained almost no recognition. Hence, the Bladder has always been irrelevant other than being a record keeping activity (until 2010 – see poor implementation below).

Brendoon and Teflon exonerated: The audit committee found that the ball allocation behaviour of Brendoon and Teflon for weekly competitions since 2005 has been suitably inconsistent, irrelevant to any form of annual prize giving and purely followed a policy of ‘breaking even by giving away ball in prizes to the value paid by competitors on the day (and a couple more on appropriate occasions like major events). The audit committee thus exonerates Brendoon and Teflon from any form of corruption or intentional manipulation of anything of relevance over the 2005 to 2009 period.

Poor implementation of Bladder 2010: The audit committee also found there had been an absolute lack of planning for the 2010 Bladder and Strike rate, due principally to the fact that it was introduced partway through the year. At the beginning of 2010 the ‘Bladder’ was as described above, purely record keeping, unrecognised as a prize, and almost irrelevant. However, in February 2010, on another Yarrambat afternoon, a quorum of members decided to allocate a trophy for the ‘Bladder’ and ‘Strike rate’ in 2010. The motion was passed on the spot (see Around the traps 13/2/2010) but nothing further was done about implementation including any thought about change to the entrenched ball allocation behaviour of the last five years. The outcome has been some disquiet from members about the ball allocation system from some aspiring trophy winners, and quite rightly so! However, the audit committee found there was never any intent by any member to defraud or manipulate the Bladder or Strike rate results in 2010 (as implied by the Free Press in a recent media release).

Conclusions and recommendations: The audit committee concluded that the prize ball allocation system is appropriately inconsistent and exactly in line with club policy over the last five years. It also found the present prize ball allocation system is likely to frustrate members who take the Bladder and Strike Rate too seriously. The audit committee concluded the basis of calculating the Bladder and Strike rate should be changed if a quorum of members decides it should be changed. 

The audit committee makes the following recommendations:

·         That a Bladder measurement sub-committee is formed to develop a points based (rather than ball based) system for the Bladder which should be introduced at an appropriate time and no later than January first 2011. The Cardinal was nominated as a likely Chairperson and Brendoon nominated as likely Deputy Chairperson of that committee. Other members should be coopted onto the committee as required. Recommendations from the sub committee should be presented to a quorum of members for approval and ratification.

·         That a quorum of members makes decisions about:

1). Whether or not to change the ball allocation system in 2010 and if so to what.

2). Whether or not to change any existing club rules (such as the extra ball rule).

3). Whether or not to introduce any new club rules (such as a minimum number of players for a weekly competition or a maximum number of balls for each competition or some other rule)?

4). Whether or not some or all of the potential adjustments shown in the following table are made to the 2010 Bladder.

Potential adjustments by Player

Summary of adjustments by player if all extra balls
and associated points were removed from Bladder and Strike Rate.

Summary of potential Bladder and Strike Rate adjustments


Points that would be deducted from Bladder

Balls that would be deducted from strike rate

Mark V

7.1 bladder points

3.6 balls


 7.1 6.1 bladder points 1

3.6 3.1 balls 1


5.9 bladder points

2.95 balls


4.4 bladder points

2.2 balls


4.0 bladder points

2 balls


3.4 bladder points

1.7 balls


3.7 2.7 bladder points 1

1.8 1.3 balls 1


2.0 bladder points

1 ball


1.5 bladder points

0.8 balls


1. Adjustments made after weekly competition at Yarra Bend July 31st.


Source: detailed audit notes and summary).

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