Waikerie on a Saturday Night in July: So did they do it all again? Well I wasn’t there so I can’t really tell you. Although I did hear that most of the tour decided to have dinner upstairs in the restaurant, along with most of the town locals, who were served before tour members for some reason (even those ordering after tour members). “You waited how long to be served? We were served in 10 minutes downstairs!” laughed Ricko and Nicko who had not eaten with the main group. “I don’t think it had any thing to do with Nicko’s door frame repair? We weren’t that loud last night were we?” Jacko was heard questioning at the time……And so on went the drinking at the bar downstairs where sometime later Fruitcake suddenly discovered he had left his golf shoes and travel bag (including his medications) outside the golf club after the game. “But I gave it to you?” Fruitcake was reported to say to ‘Happy Jack” (Note: Jack had acquired a nick name by now). “I got what I wanted and put it back by your shoes.” Jack was reported to reply. Now there are always some things you miss out on when you miss an event like this. Fruitcake’s face at that point was apparently one of them as he realised what had happened and where his belongings were. Now as I said I wasn’t there, but two things happened but in which order I am not sure. At some point Fruitcake and Nicko drove back out to the golf course (fortunately one of them hadn’t been indulging to excess and thus could drive – not sure which one). Apparently the shoes and travel bag were sighted through the window just sitting there. “At least I know they are there” sighed a relieved Fruitcake over a drink back at the bar later. Now the other event was reportedly where Fruitcake recognised a staff member from the Golf Club in the bar. He approached her to discuss getting his shoes and bag back. “She commented on the strong odour on his breath and the contents of his travel bag. Fruity went quiet after that” someone was heard saying after it happened.

Enter The Pinball Wizard: And so the night went on with various tour members using various Hotel facilities. ‘Some for example, heard that the Waikerie Hotel has a disco type thing on a Saturday night, to which local women might come. Consequently, when they heard some music wafting through the air, a group of tour members went off to investigate that hypothesis. But the ‘exceptional use of Hotel facilities award’ would have to go to Nicko, aided by Fruitcake and Ricko. Now I wasn’t there so, this is only hearsay…. So ok just imagine.. a dark end of a bar, the lights aren’t on or are dim, and beyond in a dark half lit corner is a pin ball machine. Nicko starts to play. Within a few minutes lights are flashing and blinking, bells are ringing lighting up the whole corner in a colourful display. “It looked wonderful from back at the bar. Very colourful” JB reported later during a phone conversation. You see this pin ball machine could release up to five balls at the same time. Nicko was becoming at-one with this machine. At one stage he called on Rickop to operate a flipper and Fruitcake another as the three of them melded with the machine. They had all five balls going for ages and ages racking up the points and free games. Now you think I am joking, but when the barman kicked them out well after the bar had closed, there were still 16 free games left on the machine. Apparently the local regulars hadn’t seen anything like it. They were amazed. ….So to answer the original question, yes they were reported to do it all again, then moving on upstairs and enjoying the night away. Back to Main Article