Basically People Brought Their Own And / Or Used What Was There!


Tents were standard fare!

Robbie setting up his accommodation – “Now how does this go again?”

Nurse Min & Thombei setting up - “Now how does this go again?”

From the simple to the complex

K & J’s campervan:” and it made it around Tassie without a hitch.”

King Billy and Nurse Min: Setting up some more complex equipment

Powered sites

MBW & Daisy’s multifunctional abode:
”and the kids slept like a log every night.”

CHEZ ‘Stavros ‘& ‘Turbo’
”But why did they get a powered site?”

A Totally Relaxing Atmosphere and A Great Background!

With The Fields in The Background:
”I thought we just had happy hour or was that something else?”

The Relaxed Atmosphere
”What time is happy hour?”


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