Respondent Profile 1: A Day-Tripper



AGE: 30 Something (but she has been saying that for 10 years)

OCCUPATION: Looking after a house and two children.

INTERESTS AND HOBBIES: Looking after a house and two children

LOCATION: Dandenong Ranges, Victoria

“I thought the Tequila Challenge Cup was sensational. I haven’t had so much fun for a long time. I really wanted to stay on the Saturday night but I was only recruited as a Day-Tripper. I certainly want to be involved with any future market research of this type.”

“There were some really good ideas tested in this research. I thought Gordon’s spinning ashtray was a real winner. Nothing happened if it fell over – easily accessible and totally sealed. They should provide one to every group in the competition as a matter of course. I am sure the real thing will be a brilliant affair when they eventually launch it.” – J

COMMENTS: J is a regular participant on our research panel and has attended a number of events such as these. She specialises in anything to do with looking after a house and two children. She takes an active interest in golf event and consumption related market research when time allows. She is a previous winner of interstate golf events

J on course

J butting out cigarette in GMAC’s spinning
ashtray while Andi has a putt.



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